Florida Emergency Medicine Docs to Be Immune from Lawsuits?

ER with DefibrilatorA couple of weeks ago an interesting piece of legislation (SB 1506) was put forth in the Florida state senate. Sen. John Thrasher (R-St. Augustine) filed the measure to protect physicians by sovereign immunity from large Florida physician malpractice judgements. It notes the unique feature of emergency room physicians: they are required by law to treat any patient that shows up and unable to turn anyone away –and, as a result, that their Florida med mal coverage is very expensive.

More specifically, the law would make the Florida emergency medicine physicians agents of the state and would not have to pay more than $200,000 in a Florida med mal insurance claim. Victims who win awards larger than that would then have to seek the award from the Legislature. Also, the bill provides a higher standard of proof for claimants. Read the article for the details of the new standard. At MyMedicalMalpracticeInsurance.com we are interested in this legislation, will continue to watch it, and will keep you posted.

We understand the demands on Florida emergency medicine physicians and that they don’t want to pay more than they have to for their emergency medicine med mal coverage. After all, physician med mal coverage is one of the biggest expenses physicians have. The agents here at MyMedicalMalpracticeInsurance.com are here for you and understand that you want to be informed about your Florida med mal coverage. Don’t hesitate to call us and discuss your emergency medicine med mal coverage needs today.

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