Pennsylvania Supreme Court to Rule on Medical Malpractice Jury Instructions
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court is set to hear a case that will have a significant impact on how medical malpractice lawsuits are handled in the Commonwealth. At the heart of the case is whether a jury should be instructed that an “error in judgment” does not constitute negligence/medical malpractice. In the case being heard by […]

Number of Pennsylvania Medical Malpractice Claims Continues to Drop
According to a new report from the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts, the number of reported Pennsylvania medical malpractice claims in 2011 is at least 40 percent lower from the state’s high water mark of 2000 to 2002. This is the fourth consecutive year that the number of claims has been at least 40 percent […]

More than Half of All Medical Malpractice Indemnity Payments Were Made by Six States
A recently released study of all medical malpractice payments made in 2011 indicates that six states accounted for more than half of all medical malpractice indemnifications. The analyzed data came from the National Practitioner Data Bank That is an astonishing statistic. Which six states accounted for more than half of all medical malpractice indemnity payments […]

Venue Shopping Behind Philadelphia's High Medical Malpractice Insurance Rates
side note: The link below will direct you to the American Tort Reform Foundation’s 2012 list of Judicial Hellholes, which documents in annual reports various abuses within the civil justice system. Philadelphia was ranked No. 1 on this year’s Judicial Hellholes list. Because a county’s medical malpractice insurance rates are determined largely by the attitude […]

ATRA Releases Annual List of Juducial Hellholes, Motivates Medical Malpractice Reform
side note: This week, the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) released its annual Judicial Hellholes Report. Since 2002, the Judicial Hellholes Report has documented in annually published reports various abuses within the civil justice system, focusing primarily on jurisdictions where courts are radically out of balance. This list has been an invaluable tool in educating […]

Pennsylvania Passes Fair Share Act to Bring Down Medical Malpractice Insurance Costs
side note: This is big news for Pennsylvania. Long a hostile medical liability climate, the state’s new governor made good on his promise to address Pennsylvania’s tort laws. What effect will the “Fair Share Act” have on medical malpractice insurance costs? It will likely be several years before the new legislation has an impact on […]

Pennsylvania Gov. Corbett Signs ‘Fair Share Act,’ Ends Practice of Joint-And-Several Liability
side note: Always a complicated market for medical malpractice insurance, Pennsylvania Gov. Corbett ends joint-and-several liability with the signing of the Fair Share Act.. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Corbett recently signed into law Senate Bill 1131, better known as the “Fair Share Act,’’ which reforms how damages are recovered in civil lawsuits, ensuring an equitable framework […]

Pennsylvania Med Mal Cases Down
Side Note: The state of Pennsylvania is currently reaping the benefits of some terrific med mal tort reform that went into effect in 2002. The Pennsylvania med mal reform, aimed at reducing the number of frivolous lawsuits that make it to court, is working. According to the article, since 2002, the number of Pennsylvania med […]

Pennsylvania Governor Rendell Vetoes Bill that would Modify MCare
Side note: The Governor of Pennsylvania, Edward G. Rendell, recently vetoed Senate Bill 1280. Bill 1280 would modify Act 13 of 2002, the Medical Care Availability and Reduction of Error Act, or MCare, by freezing primary medical malpractice insurance limits for seven years. The Bill also would adjust the formula for determining the assessments by […]
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