Posts tagged "Nevada"

Nov 6, 2012
MEDICAL MALPRACTICE: Some Nevada hepatitis C lawsuits settled

side note: Here is what might be a conclusion to the flagrant medical malpractice case in Nevada where potentially hundreds of patients were exposed to hep c. A district judge Monday approved a settlement of 18 medical malpractice lawsuits stemming from the Las Vegas hepatitis C outbreak. The settlement with 18 former patients of the […]

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Aug 13, 2010
Nevada's Sharron Angle says there is nothing wrong with the U.S. health care system

Side note: Must be an election year! One of the biggest races shaping up this year is the Senatorial seat currently being held by the powerful Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid. His primary challenger, Sharron Angle, the Republican candidate, wants to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Candidate Angle believes that heath care can be made […]

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Nov 6, 2009
MALPRACTICE: Some Nevada hepatitis C lawsuits settled

side note: Could this be the start to the end of the blatant case of medical malpractice in Nevada where potentially hundreds of patients were negligently exposed to hep c? A district judge Monday approved a settlement of 18 medical malpractice lawsuits stemming from the Las Vegas hepatitis C outbreak. The settlement with 18 former […]

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Apr 20, 2009
Legislative panel approves medical malpractice bill

side note: In Nevada where it appears that Assembly Bill 495 will be passed, the impact on physicians will be increased rates for medical malpractice insurance and some physicians may relocate to other states. The stated purpose of the bill is “to allow patients who are victims of gross medical negligence to sue for unlimited […]

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