Quarterly Analysis of the Medical Malpractice Insurance Industry
Our new Healthcare Matters series will take a deep dive into the financials of the medical malpractice insurance industry for each financial quarter. Episode 1 takes a look at the second quarter of 2018.
Discussing the financials of Q2 of 2018 is Eric Wunder, a consulting actuarial at Milliman Inc. Mr. Wunder was interviewed by Michael Matray, Editor of the Medical Liability Monitor. They discuss the following topics:
- The state of Direct Written Premium through the first six months of 2018.
- Where reserve development currently stands in relation to the past quarters and recent years.
- What a first-half combined ratio of 112 percent portends for the year end, and how this combined ratio compares to the first half of recent years.
- How the hot investment market is driving profits in the face of underwriting losses.
- How current financial trends will this affect physician medical malpractice insurance costs in 2019 and beyond.
Our goal for this new Healthcare Matters series is to provide insider information that can help predict the rising and falling costs of medical malpractice insurance, as well as the future health and stability of the insurance companies you entrust with your liability coverage with.