Outspoken Physician Urges Americans to Learn How to Diffuse Their Own Medical Time Bombs


Dr. Corso explains why, thousands of people die, in the prime of life, from easily preventable causes, and how readers can avoid becoming one of them. Everyone knows someone who died in their 50’s or 60’s from a medical ticking time bomb, they simply did not detect. Dr. Corso is an amazing guest who will give your audience powerful news and life-saving information.

Bend, OR (PRWEB) April 10, 2007 — Stupid Reasons People Die, An Ingenious Plot for Defusing Deadly Diseases is a controversial and potentially life-saving new book by Dr. John Corso, a popular public speaker and 20-year veteran of internal medicine with a unique private practice. Dr. Corso explains why, thousands of people die, in the prime of life, from easily preventable causes, and how readers can avoid becoming one of them. He addresses the common diseases most likely to kill us, including heart attacks and strokes, and a myriad of potentially lethal cancers – of the breast, prostate, colon, and esophagus, which can be detected with proper screening and the right treatment. “Tragically, almost every time someone dies before his or her time it represents a failure on the part of the patient, the doctors and the health care system to intercept these diseases when they were easily curable,” says Dr. Corso.

Both a practical guide to negotiating what Corso calls “the broken bureaucracy” of our healthcare system and a radical yet logical call for Americans to stop blaming doctors, the insurance industry, and pharmaceutical companies for not taking better care of us, STUPID REASONS PEOPLE DIE empowers readers to ditch the role of passive recipient to one of self-advocacy. With stinging candor and wry humor, readers learn exactly which medical tests and treatments to consider and how to gain the control and knowledge they need to get the best that modern medicine has to offer within a healthcare system designed for cost containment, not for life-saving state-of-the-art screening and treatments, including the highly publicized cervical cancer vaccine.

“There are only a few stupid reasons to die; they just happen to kill a whole lot of people.”
— The author

Chapters entitled, “What Do you Mean My Insurance Won’t Pay for It?,” “Sorry, Mother Doesn’t Care if You Live or Die,” “Rumors, Tumors and Baby Boomers,” “The Big Bang!,” “High Tech: High Stakes,” and “Smoking Out the King,” examines our cultural love-hate relationship with technology coupled with our confusion and fear over medical issues, and confronts our unrealistic expectations of the health care, insurance and government entitlements that lead to a dependent and passive relationship with these institutions.

By reading STUPID REASONS PEOPLE DIE readers will learn what they should do to protect their lives and health, acquiring the skills to recognize the distortions of the advertising and media industries. They will no longer be affected by overblown advertising claims geared to sell product at all cost. They will become immune to scare tactics meant to boost ratings instead of informing the viewer. They will learn to interpret scientific information correctly and to overcome the myths and prejudice latent in their own minds. Readers will come away knowing precisely which screening tests and medical treatments are right for them and why. With the help of Dr. Corso, they will learn to save their own lives, and the lives of their loved ones.

Here are Dr. Corso’s top six most important steps to avoid an early death.

1. Learn which diseases are the “big-ticket” killers and how to screen for them.

Things have really changed. We can detect and prevent most big ticket killers.
Your doctor may not suggest certain tests. He or she may not even know they exist.

2. “Eat Right, Stay Fit, Drop Dead” – Learn why eating right and staying fit alone may not prevent an early death from common diseases.

If you have common, genetic causes for heart disease, you may have no symptoms and still have a heart attack.
You could have an aortic aneurysm and be fit as a fiddle.
You could have a hidden cancer and still have been eating right.

3. Become aware of the Bogus Beliefs and Bad Data in our own minds that keep us from taking smart action.

Identify your own prejudice and misconceptions about “healthy” and “unhealthy.”
Tune in to your emotional vs. rational response to health information news.
Learn to interpret new health information correctly by getting all the facts and learning how to apply them to your specific, situation.

4. Understand that your own doctor and health insurance company may not recommend the state-of-the-art tests that could save your life.

Most doctors practice “Standard-of-Care” not “State-of -the-Art” medicine, a standard that is a decade behind the times.
An insurance company’s allegiance is to their shareholders not their insured. Insurance companies will wait a very long time (decades) to take a test off the “experimental” status. Then they may cover it.
Stop thinking “My insurance won’t cover it, therefore I cannot have it.”

5. Stop assuming that “natural” is better than “chemical.”

In health, “Natural” is a meaningless word hijacked by the advertising industry to sell everything from tampons to motor oil. Many gruesome things take place in Nature! Millions of all-natural substances are poison. In health, “chemical” has come to mean “dangerous.” Yet everything we are/eat/breath/think is a chemical. This includes all supplements/vitamins. The most effective life-saving/extending technology has come from the pharmaceutical industry.

6. Become aware of the insidious effect the media has on your health care decisions.

From the sale of “all natural” as “always better” to the alarmist reporting of new information about prescription medicines, information we garner from the media is limited, leaving us with only half the story.
(High Lakes Press; March 2007; $24.95 hardcover)
This release may be used in whole or part with attribution please. Dr. Corso provides a stimulating and dynamic interivew.
see original

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